Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mama M

... waiting for this baby- I'm sure little bucket's sisters are just bursting with anticipation! I am lucky enough to be invited to the birth to photograph it. So honored!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Baby S Back at One (RI Baby Photography)

Remember this little lady? Here she is, back at one whole year with her family!

Baby Wearing in Little Rhody (RI family photography)

Over the past five years, I have been lucky to have worked with a number of amazing organizations and community resources. Recently, this includes the Kanga Mamas, a local non-profit group that teaches families how to use modern and traditional baby carriers as part of daily life. This practice, which commonly referred to as baby wearing, can can quickly evolve from a seemingly exotic and a bit mysterious parenting choice- to an every day and must have tool in the arsenal of parenting! I had a baby bjorn and a home made sling with my first child, which I must admit I used very little. When my second child was born, I found my newly acquired devices (if you could call them that) so useful, that I couldn't stop talking about it. Turns out, there are a whole lot of people out there who like me, could not get through the day without them. Since my baby bjorn (the least used and comfortable of the carriers I have used) I have tried and enjoyed almost every style of carrier, and for those of you out there whose baby insists on a constant holding lifestyle- so might you!

All images copyright Lisa Gendron